Available courses

Cartography Course Description


Cartography is the art, science, and technology of making maps [1]. This course will introduce you to the fundamental concepts and methods used to create informative and visually appealing maps.

Course Content

  • History of Cartography: Explore the development of maps throughout history, from early civilizations to the digital age.
  • Map Projections: Learn how to represent a three-dimensional world on a flat surface using different projection techniques.
  • Map Design Principles: Understand the principles of visual communication and design to create effective maps.
  • Data Representation: Explore how to represent various types of geographic data using symbols, colors, and other visual elements.
  • Map-Making Techniques: Gain hands-on experience with manual and digital cartographic tools and software. This might involve using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) depending on the course.


The coursework will likely involve a combination of lectures, discussions, readings, and hands-on labs. You might expect to:

  • Analyze existing maps and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Create maps using various techniques and software.
  • Apply cartographic principles to real-world problems.

Skills Learned

By successfully completing this course, you will gain valuable skills in:

  • Understanding and interpreting maps.
  • Designing and creating effective maps.
  • Applying geographic concepts and data analysis.
  • Using cartographic software and tools.